Expert group
Market Access

The requirements for research, clinical evidence and marketing authorisation of medical devices are continuously increasing. The process currently lasts up to 10 years, and may require many more before an innovation is incorporated into the corresponding tariff system or adequately reimbursed by compulsory health insurance (OKP). It can take five more years before the costs of a new service are adequately covered in the SwissDRG inpatient percase flat rate system. Furthermore, TARDOC outpatient tariffs have not been updated in years due to deadlocked revision work, and new outpatient models have repeatedly failed due to disagreements between tariff partners and the failing approval by the Federal Council (BR). Rapidly developing digitally supported technologies, in particular, are often inadequately accounted for in the existing tariffs. In the interest of speedy patient access to the latest examination and treatment methods, quick replacement of existing technologies with potentially costsaving, better quality methods, and to protect the innovativeness of Swiss healthcare and strengthen Switzerland as a place for development, research and production, it is essential to improve this process inefficiency.