Swiss Medtech – the voice of Swiss medical technology
Swiss Medtech is the association of Swiss medical technology. We represent around 800 companies. With 11.9% of Switzerland's positive trade balance, more than 71,700 employees and the most patents per inhabitant across Europe, the Swiss medical technology industry is of great economic importance. We are committed to an environment in which medical technology can deliver top performance for the benefit of first-class medical care.
Swiss Medtech was founded in the summer of 2017 as an association based in Bern. Swiss Medtech is a member of the European umbrella organisation MedTech Europe.
Our guiding principle
Switzerland is the world's most attractive location for the development and production of complex, innovative medical devices. The Swiss medtech industry helps people to have the best possible health and quality of life. As an important industrial sector, it contributes greatly to the prosperity of our population.
Swiss Medtech represents and promotes the interests of the Swiss medical technology industry. We are dedicated to an optimum environment that promotes innovations and start-ups and reinforces the competitiveness of companies. For this purpose, we actively incorporate the common interests of our members in decision-making processes regarding economic and health policies and promote networking within the industry and with relevant actors. We work closely with our members, informing them of essential developments and supporting them in the event of challenges. As an industry association, we are the first point of contact for all matters in the Swiss medtech industry and we inform the public of their importance and activities.
Swiss Medtech gives fact-based arguments, acts competently and is a reliable partner. We have a business-friendly and responsible attitude. We maintain a constructive dialogue with our members, political and administrative decision-makers and other stakeholders. We communicate proactively and transparently.
Our services
Representation of interests
Swiss Medtech represents the interests of medical technology in politics, administration, the media and in public. We are actively involved in political and legislative processes that are relevant to medical technology. We submit statements to consultation procedures regarding regulation and legislative work, make recommendations on selected parliamentary consulting businesses and explain our standpoint on health policy issues in position papers.
Swiss Medtech promotes industry networking through its own event formats and partner events. Our annual Swiss Medtech Day and yearly Regulatory Conference each unite over 750 specialists from both home and abroad. The Swiss Medtech Award – which honours outstanding innovative achievements and includes prize money of 50,000 Swiss Francs is also awarded on Swiss Medtech Day. In addition, the association helps companies in the Swiss Pavilion to have a strong joint presence at leading medical technology fairs.
Swiss Medtech supports its members with regulatory challenges such as the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) by providing advice and information, recommendations for action as well as further education seminars. If our members have compliance questions, we offer them support with application aids, sample contracts and information letters. Numerous specialist groups provide members with specialised networks and additional expertise.
Swiss Medtech keeps its members updated on industry-related developments. Our website provides the very latest information, and a monthly newsletter gives members a compact overview of the news. Swiss Medtech conveys the industry's significance for the economy and for medical care to the public. Every two years, we conduct a study together with Helbling AG and present the key industry figures. With media and public relations, we transmit the association's concerns and positions.
Swiss Medtech provides specialist further education courses in cooperation with training partners. By offering a seminar on implementing the Medical Device Regulation (MDR), the association significantly helps companies to overcome this major challenge.