Diabetes Self-Management
According to estimates, half a million people in Switzerland suffer from diabetes mellitus, a chronic disease of the sugar metabolism. Several thousand new patients are added to this number each year. The disease constantly accompanies those affected; however, modern medicine has enabled these individuals to have a high quality of life and life expectancy. There is a wide range of medical technology products and services that help those affected to deal with the disease independently and confidently. In addition to the identified benefits for patients, Diabetes Self-Management also has a cushioning effect on the costs associated with treatment and related complications. It is estimated that up to 255 million Swiss francs can be saved in healthcare in Switzerland.
Who we are
The section Diabetes Self-Management comprises the member companies of Swiss Medtech that operate in the fields of blood glucose monitoring, flash glucose monitoring (FGM), continuous glucose measurement (CGM), pen and insulin pump systems as well as software for optimising the treatment process, etc. It focuses on effective and coordinated representation of common interests and sees itself as a constructive and reliable partner for all professional groups in diabetology.
Who can participate
Employees of Swiss Medtech member companies in the field of Diabetes Self-Management.
Our goals
- Promoting quality of care through structured self-management of diabetes
- Reducing costs associated with treatment and related complications
- Securing access to innovation for patients
- Ensuring patient-friendly reimbursement of the products via MiGeL
Our activities
- Optimising the treatment process of chronically ill patients via the QualiCCare association
- Participating in the MiGeL revision process and monitoring the FOPH with HTAs
- Training and continuing education for healthcare professionals
- Developing evaluation criteria for digital aids